jeudi 4 juillet 2013

CURVA - الكورفا

 Curva (plural: curve) is an Italian term or name for curved stands of seating located at sports stadiums, particularly in Italy; so named, originally, due to their curved or bending shape. The curva plays an integral part in the culture of Ultràs and European football.
The majority of stands referred to as a "curva" are located behind the goals in their respective stadiums and contain the most vocal supporters within them, often known as Ultràs. They are usually curved in shape, in some form whether minor or major, often due to the presence of a running track around the pitch. The Stadio Giuseppe Meazza provides an example of two prominent stands referred to as "curva", "Curva Nord" and "Curva Sud", which contain only minor curves at their corners, while the Stadio Olimpico provides an example of two completely curved stands. A curva may extend from one corner flag to another or be located centrally behind the goal, bordered by two separate corner sections for ticketing or organizational purposes.

الكورفا هى المكان اللى ببتقعد فيه المجموعة وأي ملعب في العالم بتكون فيه كورفتينCURVA SUD ومعناها التالته يمين، و(CURVA NORD، ومعناها تالته شمال، والمجموعة تتعلق بالكورفا الخاصة بها لدرجة تصل إلى العشق، لأنه يكون فيها عملوا دخلات كتير فبيكون من الصعب إنهم يقعدوا في كورفا تانيه.

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